New technologies are important and should not be neglected as helpful tools for learning and good resources for information. Nevertheless, instructions on the computer can wait until at least the age of 7 years old as there are many other things to learn for younger children, most importantly gross and fine motor skills and social learning. Too much screen time can lead to a shorter attention span and more aggressive behavior. Pediatricians set the time limit for screen time at 1 hour per week and 15 minutes per day. As New Technologies enter our daily life, schools should be aware of the fact that their students spend sometimes hours in front of a screen at home. Therefore their task is to create a learning environment that offers a balance to their students’ experience at home. Children even under the age of 7 can be exposed to computer science without the negative side effects of too much screen time by watching or helping program self-built toys like Lego cars or robots. In middle and high school, new technologies expand the access to information and make a direct access to students from other countries possible. Email exchange, chat rooms etc. can help broaden intercultural understanding and start friendships. The risks of New Technologies especially for students in Middle and High school include Cyber-bullying and the posting of self-compromising information online. Schools should address the subject by informing, initiating a dialogue between students, parents and teachers and setting clear rules. High schools and colleges routinely check social network pages of their applicants, so students should be made aware that their social networking activities can have consequences for their future.